
Gaming Rules

By starting a game, you agree to these rules and the website's Terms of Service.

1. No Unfair Aids

You must not use scripts, bots, or any other unfair aids while playing on our website. If detected, you will be banned from our services without any payout or refund.

2. Do Not Leave Games Early

Do not close your browser once the game has started. Leaving a game early is not allowed, and any lost coins will not be refunded.

3. No Coin Transfers

Transferring coins between players during a game to boost levels is prohibited. Violators will be penalized, and repeated offenses may lead to a permanent ban and loss of funds.

4. Answer Submission

Make sure you submit the correct answer carefully. It's your responsibility, and we will not compensate for any losses.

5. Internet Connection

Check your internet connection before starting a game. Matches are short, and it's essential to have a stable connection. We will not consider losses due to internet issues for refunds.

6. Record Your Games

We recommend recording each game. If you report suspicious activity by your opponent, we may refund your coins and take appropriate action.

7. Report Bugs

Please report any bugs that provide an unfair advantage to the administrators.

Basic Information Before Starting a Match

1. Same Questions

Both you and your opponent will receive the same question, answer options, and deadline.

2. Determining the Winner

The winner is determined based on:

  • Correct answer submission
  • Fastest answer submission

If both players submit the correct answer, the winner is the one who submits it first.

3. No Ties

There are no ties in matches; there is always a winner and a loser or two losers.

4. Both Players Can Lose

Both players can lose, and coins will not be refunded.

5. Game History

All game history is recorded, allowing us to detect any unusual activity during matches.